Dear WLC members, partners, and friends,
Considering the situation in Ukraine and Russia and after helping hundreds of new olim, we saw that special assistance is required for the olim’s successful absorption in Israel. We started the first pilot program and this week the first olim (singles, couples, and families) entered the apartments we rented and furnished for them in Acco. We will help facilitate them in finding work and fully integrating in Israel. Our emphasis is on creating a community, with the first group made up of 40 new olim.
This activity is combined with host families from the community. We hope that the number of community members will grow to be many of hundreds over the coming year. If this pilot proves to be successful, we will expand to 3 more olim communities this year, and reach a total of thousands of olim in the Negev and Galilee communities. We are grateful that together we can continue shining the light in Israel.
Happy Hanukkah!
The first group of olim in Acco